

DECEMBER 7, 1975



SECTION 1. The name of this club shall be known as the “South Bend Sod Busters Off The Road Club.”.


SECTION 1. The purpose of this club shall be for participation in off-road activities pertaining to off-road vehicles.

SECTION 2. For promoting cooperation, friendship, and more off roading between clubs.


SECTION 1. Any four wheel drive vehicle

SECTION 2. Any tube framed vehicle with at least four wheels, a four cylinder engineer, and a wheel base of not less than 80 inches.

SECTION 3. Not allowed are any type of motorcycles or snowmobiles.

SECTION 4. Quads will be allowed on the property from 8 am. To 8 pm. By members only for recreational purposes. There will be a 10 mph speed limit and the sign stating Quad’s on property at the pavilion must be displayed to inform others. Quads will be shut down when trucks or buggy’s enter the property. This is other than work purposes. The following requirements must be met : A member must be in the club for a period of one year and current on dues before he or she can exercise this privilege. Each Adult / owner assumes all liability and responsibilities for supervision and incidents or injury incurred. Anyone caught abusing these privileges will be subject to losing their privilege of this amendment. This amendment is for current members and their immediate family only. The club will not allow applying members to try to join the club for purpose of being able to drive Quads on the property only. Quads must have a regulation whip and flag on their vehicle, minimum of 6 feet in length.


SECTION 1. A prospective member must have two sponsors from the membership. A sponsor must be an active club member of at least 1 year and current on dues, a sponsor is responsible for the applying member/members actions until they complete their initiation and are voted in as an active full member. A sponsor can only sign in 2 applying members per year.

Stage 1 A prospective member must attend 3 meetings and may be voted in as a probationary member (initiation fee due).
Stage 2 3 months after being voted in the probationary member will receive a key to the property if approved by membership ( key due).
Stage 3 For a time period of 9 months after receiving the key the prospective member will be on the final probationary period, at the end of this time members will be voted on ASA full active member.
A. Applicants must attend 8 total meetings and work major events and work details unless there is a valid reason, to be determined by officials.
B. Dues must be current during probation period
C. Must abide by all club rules and constitution.

SECTION 3. At some point of the third meeting and at the final voting of probationary period the applying member(s) will be asked to leave the area. At this point, prior to voting, the floor will be open for any comments, for or against the applying member(s). After comments are heard, the voting will take place either by paper ballot or by show of hands, as seen fit by the President and Vice President.

SECTION 4. A two-thirds majority voting ‘YES’ is required to accept the new member. Less than two-thirds will be considered a rejection.

SECTION 5. The prospective member will be allowed back into the meeting area after voting and discussions are complete, and will be notified whether he/she has been accepted or rejected. If accepted, the new member will pay their initiation fees at this time.


SECTION 1. Any dues in which club members pay shall be used in this sole purpose of the club benefit.
SECTION 2. These dues will be collected by the treasurer at each monthly meeting and you must present dues card when paying your dues.
SECTION 3. Any active full member will receive 6 months dues for actively working 1 major event, 12 months for working 2 major events. Working 1 clean up day for the major events will equal 3 month dues ( 1 day per event ) This is for members that have a good reason that they can not work the event. There is a limit of 12 months dues per year.
SECTION 4. If you do not work either of the major events or clean up, your dues per month will be double the normal amount beginning January of the next calendar year.
SECTION 5. Any member more than 3 months behind in dues will lose their privilege to use the property and will be asked to leave the property. Any officer or member can ask to see your dues card when you are on the property.


SECTION 1. If for any reason, a member of the club uses the Sod Busters name in a way to bring shame or disgrace to the club, they shall be terminated as a fellow member. (includes officers).
SECTION 2. Any property the terminated member has belonging to the Sod Busters club will be turned over to the treasurer.
SECTION 3. Termination shall be brought forth at a regular monthly meeting to be voted on by all of the members present, and must be of two-thirds (2/3) majority.
SECTION 4. Any member that is three months or more behind on dues will be notified at the next general meeting. At five months behind, the member will be notified by the treasurer (documented) and if not paid in full by the sixth meeting he/she will be voted out and dropped from the club roster. If he/she wishes to be reinstated, they will have to be voted back into the membership as stated in Article IV. They will also be liable for a $25.00 penalty fee for no resignation and the current delinquent dues, while on probation. The member will also agree to pay three months in advance at the time of being voted back into the membership.
SECTION 5. A member, one whose dues are paid current and has complied with the general rules of membership may submit his/her resignation in writing to the President of the club. In addition to this letter, the land keys, any club property and club window stickers should be surrendered. It shall then be filed and recorded in the club minutes that this member has the status of “Resigned In Good Standing”.
Furthermore, should that person who “Resigned In Good Standing” ever wish to rejoin the club, they may do so by first being voted back in by the active general membership at a general meeting followed by the payment of a $5.00 reinstatement fee. At that time, a key to the land be issued, (a deposit may be required) along with a new club sticker. The option of “Resigning in Good Standing” may only be exercised one time. This status has not been created for people to go in and out of club membership as a matter of seasonal convenience.


SECTION 1. There shall be a regular monthly meeting to be set up by the President or Vice President with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members.


SECTION 1. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote will be needed to pass matters of importance brought before the club.
SECTION 2. These matters will be voted on at the monthly meetings or at special meetings set up by the President or the Vice President.
SECTION 3. A simple show of hands, or a closed ballot type of voting will be used.
SECTION 4. It will be at the Presidents discretion which type of voting will be used.
SECTION 5. Only members in good standing with the club have the right to vote (dues must be paid up to within three (3) months). These members must be present at the meeting.


SECTION 1. Officers of the club will be the following; President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Public Relations Officer’s
SECTION 2. Officers shall be elected by the members of the club at a special election meeting to be set up each year.
SECTION 3. Term of office shall be one-year terms in which, if re-elected officers may succeed themselves in office.
SECTION 4. Officers, during their terms of office, are exempt from payment of dues as long as they are active in the majority of club functions and attend the club’s general meetings.


SECTION 1. President - It will be the duty of the President to help carry on all correspondence that shall come to his attention, and to maintain close contact with the other officers in regards to any business which might come to the attention of them. He will also preside over all meetings.
SECTION 2. Vice President - It will be his/her duty to assist the President at all times and at all meetings and functions. During the absence of the President, the Vice President will take his/her place.
SECTION 3. Treasurer - The duties of the Treasurer will be to handle the financial matters of the club; such as the collection of dues, fines, of any money matters concerning the Sod Busters club. It will also be his/her duty to keep and report the club’s financial status at each club meeting.
SECTION 4. Secretary - The duties of the secretary are to record all minutes of the meetings, mailing and all club correspondence.
SECTION 5. Public Relations Officer - This person shall be responsible for event advertising and promotion as well as communications with local television, radio, newspaper and other various media concerns. They will also assist event chairmen in creating and distributing advertising literature to promote club events. The remaining qualifications, descriptions and benefits accorded to club officers shall also be applied to this position.


SECTION 1. In case of club dissolution, or breaking apart, all funds will be given to a charity or charities as the club votes by members in good standing at the clubs last functional meeting. If no members present at this meeting, this will be done by president and vice president.


SECTION 1. Board will consist at least five (5) members, including a chairman. If the board feels it needs more members to fulfill its duties, it may request volunteers from the club membership.
SECTION 2. The purpose of the board of directors is to approve or disapprove expenders over fifty dollars ($50.00) other than the clubs normal operating expenses, except for contractual and miscellaneous expenses (I.e. land payment, insurance, newsletters, and postage).
SECTION 3. Qualifications
a. Must be a member of good standing in the club.
b. Board member must be in the club at least six (6) months.
SECTION 4. If a member of the board misses two (2) consecutive board meetings without a responsible excuse, he/she can be terminated from the board by a unanimous vote of the other board members.
SECTION 5. If a board member exhibits conduct unbecoming a board member, the board, (at its discretion) may terminate said member by unanimous vote.
SECTION 6. A board member may resign at ant time for any reason.

This Constitution was revised and agreed upon by the membership this 6th day of March 2006.

Signed and Acknowledged by the officers, 6th day of March.

_______________________ _______________________
President, Bobby Dresser V. President, Russel Zawacki

_______________________ _______________________
Secretary, Renee Kline Treasurer, Dave Mitchell


Public Relations, James Renner

Public Relations, Robynne Wagner

Public Relations, Roland DooLittle

Send mail to webmaster@SodBustersOffRoad.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2009 South Bend Sod Busters
Last modified: 07/26/16
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